Correct ways to optimize Permalinks

With the introduction of Custom permalinks in Blogger, you will have an oppurtunity to utilize this feature to improve usability, aesthetics and forward-compatability of your links. It helps you to target your keywords.

Optimized Permalink :-

An optimized permalink is a combination of targeted keywords that explain the content of your post. it should be precise, neat and up to the point. Long links get chopped in search results and you may loose the oppurtunity of ranking high in SERPs. Click through rate, referral and organic traffic all depends on the aesthetics of your URL structure.

Following are the features of the perfect optimized permalink :

1. It should be no more than 4 words

Shorter the link, the better it is. All corporate social media and news blogs follow this limit. Permalinks longer than 4 words get chopped and do not show in search pages. These 4 words must be well organized and must make a sense.

2. It should be no more than 30 characters in length

you must be thinking what exactly is a word. Prepositions, Conjunctions and auxilary verbs are rarely used. In layman terms use these words rarely (such as to, from, and, in, on, at, etc.). Google and Yahoo displays first 30 charecters of permalink and Bing displays up to 36 charecters. So always keep the charecter count at most 30 to fulfil the requirements of both Google and Yahoo. Bing can be ignored in this case else the permalink link will get too long.

3. It should summarize the post title

The easiest way to write permalinks is to summarize the Blog Post Title.

Below are some examples

Title : The Many Looks of Spiderman Over the Past 50 Years
Permalink : spiderman-50th-aniversary

Title : Top 25 Best Companies for Work-Life balance
Permalink : work-life-balance

I think you got it. It's all about common sense. Never stuff links with many words. Keep them short and simple, neat and upto the point.

4. Use symbols for Keywords in Permalink

If you have too many keywords to describe your content. Then you can use some in title and remaining in permalink. It would be like hitting two birds with one stone. You can use synonyms for keyword you used in the title.

For Example

Title : Top 10 Richest Men in world
Permalink : top-10-wealthiest-people

Here, richest is replaced by welthiest and men is replaced by people.

5. Never use underscores but dashes

Both dashes (-) and underscores (_) can be added in links to seperate words.Since underscores are often used in writing algorithms therefore to avoid confusing the search robots Matt Cutts suggests dashes only and never underscores.

6. URL structure

The URL structure is Domain/Date/Permalink

Mashable : http://mashable/2012/09/permalink.html

Techcrunch : http://techcrunch/2010/03/10/permalink2.html

This URL structure gives an idea of both the post date and displays a readable form of the permalink.

Why prefer Mashable and Techcrunch in terms of SEO :-

Mashable has been doing great with its SEO compared to Techcrunch. It's editors desk include some of the well versed people and they know how to train their co authors to write quality articles keeping both readers and search engines in mind.

Optimising in Windows Live Writer

For both bloggers and wordpress, the permaling and Post Meta description plug in unfortunately not present in WLW. However there is a work around.

Do this:

1. Publish posts as drafts by clicking 'Post draft to blog' from Home tab
2. Then log into your account
3. Go to posts, click edit under the drafted article
4. Set the permalink and also post description
5. Hit publish
6. Done

have fun :D

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