Adding Favicon To Your Blog

Well, I'm back again. Now, I'm working on favicons. So I'm on my way to list all the sites. But before, I thought of making a post about adding a favicon to a blog. Because, it doesn't make sense when you know how to make a favicon but don't know how to use it. So, here I go and, by the way, you can refer my post about creating favicons to create a perfect favicon for your site.

Adding a Favicon

Create your favicon by using one of the tools available. You can directly upload your image or create a new one. After uploading an image or creating a favicon you can download the automatically-converted-icon form of the favicon and save it to your desktop.

Next, you need to upload it to some host like Favicon Hosting and Genarator etc. You can even get a lot of hosting sites online to host .ico files. Once you upload it to a host, you get a direct URL to the favicon file.

Now go to your blogger dashboard > layout > Edit html.
There look for the code


and add the below code just after the above one.

<link href='ICON FILE URL' rel='shortcut icon'/>
<link href='ICON FILE URL' rel='icon'/>

and replace the 'ICON FILE URL' with the URL of your icon file.
Take care that the code you paste is in between
Your Code

If you are unable to follow the above process, here's another way.

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