Embed Youtube Video Without Any Youtube Links Connected

The following post describes the process to embed a Youtube video without any Youtube links connected to it. The process is pretty simple, you just got to change a very little in the default code.

If the embed code is like this
<iframe allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" frameborder="0" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/rxwMEv7P7Mw" width="420"></iframe>

The change that should be done

At the end of the Youtube URL add "?modestbranding=1"

i.e., in the above example, the change is

Click on any part of the player, anywhere you wish to, you will never get redirected to Youtube. But however, at the end of the video, Youtube video suggestions will appear.

Now you're done. Simple, isn't it?

NOTE :-The same process can be carried out for the old object version. Just add "?modestbranding=1" at the end of the URL.

Here's the video tutorial

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