I have already discussed about Monetisatoin in Youtube. Now the question is about the videos. What kind of Videos are eligible for monetisation? Well, here's the answer.
1. Your videos are eligible if you own rights to everything in the video. The video should contain only your content. It should satisfy all the Terms and Conditions.
2. Your video is not eligible if it contains the content that you do not own.
Your video contains your content and you own the rights to everything and still Youtube rejects the monetisation, you can request monetisation by claiming that you own the content and by providing the proof.
Advertisement Formats
Overlay in-video ads : These are transparent ads. These ads appear on the lower portion of the video. These adscan be hidden by the viewer. These ads appear in between the video (mostly at the 15 secong mark). You can enable this ads for your video. To enable these ads for your video go to the Video Manager page and select the video that you would like to enable in-video ads and clik edit. Then on the Monetisation tab, check the Overlay in-video ads.
True View In-Stream Ads : These type of ads appear before the video. After 5 seconds, the viewer can choose to continue watching the ad or to skip.
Standard In-Stream Ads : These videos appear before, during or after the video and must be watched. There is no option to skip these ads after particular time. You must watch the whole video ad to watch the video you selected. These ads cannot be more than 30 seconds.
Tags: youtube
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