Wibbitz : Turn your Blog posts into a Video

Most of the people, especially Bloggers use their writings to convey their message to their readers. Well, what if we use images or videos? that might be more effective. Of course most of you might be doing that but how about presenting your blog posts in the form an awesome video? Cause most of the people are not interested to read such lengthy posts. Now you might not know how to create and edit a video, but don't worry, here's a tool for you. Its Wibbitz. This tool will help you make a video from your blog posts with little effort.

Wibbitz is a web app that will crawl your website and extract the important information. This will then be converted into an audio and video presentation. The audio can include narrations of your latest blog posts, so that your readers can hear the updates rather than reading them. This is relatively unique, simple and effective concept, isn't it? You can use this for better advertisement of your website. A video can say a lot about your website or blog, and this will get you more followers as a result of video marketing.

How to create a video using Wibbitz
The following are the simple steps.
Visit Wibbitz Homepage.
Fill the email and site URL fields, and click on Create Your Clip. (You'll find them at the bottom of the page)

Once finished you'll get an embed code for your video. Well, this is all you need. Now, if you want to customize this video, you can do it using the Customize Clip option. Now, you'll be able to re-size the video, put in a voice over, or put in Loop or Autoplay. You can also change the Soundtrack from among the six different options. Once you're done, click on Update Clip.

After the video is generated, you can use the embed code to publish the video. The video shows latest posts and even provides an option in the video itself to read the whole post.

This is a pretty good tool. This will create HTML5 embed code for you, which will be accessible across multiple devices. The voice synthesizer is pretty good too, with just a single hint of synthesized speech. The biggest drawback is that it can't process special characters such as the apostrophe. So, it speaks out HTML codes for them, which sounds awkward.

Here's the video tutorial.

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